

  1. Xiurui YANG; Wei HU (^) / “GME Frenzy on Social Media: The Impact of Short Squeezes on Market Volatility and Predictability”. 2024; Pacific Asia Conference on Information Systems 2024, PACIS2024. (Link)
  2. Yuk Yee CHAN; Wei HU (^); Jianming HUANG; Wanyue ZHOU; Xin LI / Innovation Novelty and Firm Value: Deep Learning based Text Understanding. 2023; International Conference on Information Systems, ICIS 2023. (Link)
  3. Wei HU; Weihong MA; J. Leon ZHAO / Digital Disparity: Exploring Inequality in Non-Fungible Token Transactions. 2023; International Conference on Smart Finance, ICSF2023
  4. Qiang CAO; Wei HU; Sijia ZHOU; Bei LUO; Yuxuan YU; Shaoyi Stephen LIAO; J Leon ZHAO; Yiu Keung Raymond LAU / The Role of Media Coverage on Pandemic Containment: Empirical Analysis of the COVID-19 Case. 2020; Pacific Asia Conference on Information Systems, PACIS 2020. (Link)
  5. Wei HU; J Leon ZHAO / The Impact of Textual Online Harassment on the Performance of Projects in Crowdfunding. 2019; Pacific Asia Conference on Information Systems, PACIS 2019 (Link)
  6. Wei HU; J Leon ZHAO / Portfolio Optimization using Investor Sentiment. 2018; International Conference on Smart Finance, ICSF2018

^ Corresponding author

Working Papers
